In the overhaul of key components, inability to test the unit, must be entrusted to qualified technical inspection unit for inspection. 在检修时对关键部件,本单位无力检测的,必须委托有资格的技术检验单位进行检验。
A/ D? D/ A? USB and CAN interface boards, the models of various automotive components set up with MATLAB/ Simulink are integrated into a test system of hardware-in-the-loop simulation for electric control unit of HEV powertrain. 采用软件工程方法,在MATLAB/Simulink建立汽车各总成模型的基础上,辅以I/O、A/D、D/A、USB和CAN接口板,集成为混合动力轿车动力总成控制器仿真试验测试平台。
Hardware components include test controlling unit, signal transmitting unit and signal receiving unit. 硬件部分包括测试控制单元、信号发射单元和信号接收单元。